With high levels of COVID-19 in the community, it is important that residential aged care facilities (RACF) maintain a high degree of vigilance and continue to take precautionary actions such as regular screening of staff and visitors with rapid antigen tests, mask wearing and hand hygiene. Residents should be offered the COVID-19 winter booster as a priority.
Anyone who is a household or close contact must comply with the directions in the new NSW Health Household and Close Contact Guideline. Visitors and staff who are a household or close contact must not enter a RACF for at least 7 days after the last person in their house had a positive COVID-19 test. Staff, health practitioners and students entering a RACF are required to have 3 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Time limitations apply.
Providers should support residents to register their positive rapid antigen test results.
Managers should refer to the CEC COVID-19 Guidance to support risk assessment and testing of workers, residents and visitors post exposure to COVID-19.
Please note effective treatments are available and facilities should ensure pathways are in place for residents to have early access to treatment.
There are limits to the number of visitors a resident can have each day.
Emergency service providers are not considered visitors and are not required to do a COVID-19 test prior to entry.